Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Loose ends ...

A couple of follow-on points to some of my recent stories.

In this post, I talked about Wife's furtive attempts to hide a bottle of personal lubricant, after I had already gotten a good look at it and knew it was there. A day or two later, I asked her about it (fairly obliquely). The gist of the question was, What's the point of hiding it when (a) I already saw it, and (b) it's no big deal to me if you are masturbating? Her answer (unsurprisingly) was that she knew all that, but she couldn't control the fact that it embarrassed her intensely: partly because she has (in her own words) become way more prudish with age (this is a true fact, and I discuss it -- in somewhat different terms -- in the next-to-last paragraph of this post); and partly because she can't orgasm anyway or at least hasn't in two years, so the whole topic makes her incredibly frustrated. OK, it's not profound but it is an answer.

The other news is that she seems finally, at long last, to have had a breakthrough with the anorgasmia. The other evening I cleaned out the bugs and slugs and assorted guck from our spa; and yesterday she IM'ed me at work to thank me and to single out the spa jets for special praise.

Me: Your afternoon OK?

Wife: Yep. TY for the jacuzzi. Miraculous properties, that jacuzzi. :)

Me: It works?

Wife: Oh, yeah, it works. :)

Me: Good to know .... Hope you didn't scandalize anybody trying to read the electric meter. :-)

Wife: Nobody came near ... happily. I had an uninterrupted hour.... I don't think the high jets are as strong as they used to be and don't know what we can do about it, but they were strong *enough* to do their thing. Several times. And after a couple of years, no I don't feel guilty.... Put me in a fairly good mood ....

I suppose in a way this is the kind of discussion that I was asking for in this post, although it may be just a one-shot. Still, the precedent has to be worth something. Let's see if it is borne out in the future.

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