Friday, July 23, 2021

Career counseling, 3

This will be quick. You all remember that from time to time I have puzzled about whether I'm in the "right" career, and this topic has come back to me more frequently since I was laid off earlier this year.

I've also mentioned (here and here, for example) the job-search consulting service that my previous employer hired to help all of us find jobs.

Anyway, these consultants offered a webinar a couple days ago about career changing. The presenter strongly recommended a website called "My Next Move," which lets you research possible new careers. One of the options on the front page lets you research new careers even if you have no idea what you want to do, by starting with a quiz about what you like to do.

So I tried the quiz. Sure, hell, why not? It compiled a profile of what kinds of tasks I like to do, and then generated a list of 50 careers that more or less matched this profile. Of these 50 careers, it identified 33 as either "Great fit" or "Best fit."

So what were these careers that fit me so well, according to the algorithm behind this website? Fifteen of the 33 that were flagged as either "Great fit" or "Best fit" were described as "<subject matter> teacher, postsecondary."

In other words, half of these "great or best fit" careers were "college professor."

Gosh. What a surprise. Nobody ever suggested anything like that before. I'm stunned.

I guess it is good to know, huh?


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