This is still more drama from last week, but I hardly have the heart for it. This fight was about food. I traditionally make dinners, and a couple of months ago I started trying to vary my repertoire of dinners ... a repertoire which had gotten very stale over the years. Among other things, I started introducing a lot more vegetable dishes and cooking fewer meals that centered on greasy meat.
Well one day last week Wife came completely unglued about dinner. This is the same woman who for years has told her vegetarian friends, "Well I used to be a vegetarian before I connected with Hosea, but he refuses to eat anything except large hunks of meat." Only now that I am doing something just a little different, it seems that I am a tyrant who doesn't care if my family starves because "everybody hates" these meals (never mind that I see the boys taking seconds) and I "never fix anything with any protein in it any more." And so on, only there were tears and a lot more shrieking.
Oh hell, forget it. It was plenty dramatic at the time, and that's when I told myself I should add it to the "Wife in tears" series. But I can't even remember what was said, ... or care much, either.
I think Wife must have been under a lot of stress last week, because so many things seemed to set her off. I asked her to handle all dinners this week. More work for her, but maybe less screaming.
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
22 hours ago
Maybe you could get Wife to watch one of those terrifying PETA videos. That certainly did it for me. lol
I think it unwise to respond to her attacks about your cooking with increasing her workload at this time. Keep with the rational arguments about you maintaining primary custody--you are the one who feeds the boys. By changing this arrangement you lose a tactical advantage. Just my two cents. That you are varying the meals is further evidence of your abilities of caretaking.
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