I have mentioned recently that D's job situation has been crazy. Just the other day she wrote me apologizing for the fact that she has been so impossible lately, but explaining that the school where she teaches has been consuming her entire life. And there is no support from the administration, no back-up, and no sign that anything is ever getting better -- not for the teachers, not for the students, not for anybody. It's a mess. (I should add that she is still working the same place she thought she had been fired from way back here -- a week later they changed their minds. Brilliant people-skills these folks have.)
The same day she wrote me that rather despondent apology, not long after I got home for dinner that evening, Son 2 mentioned casually that his teacher won't be coming back next year. Her husband is going to graduate school somewhere far away.
The timing seemed remarkable, so I mentioned it to D. She is going to apply. I don't know what to expect: on the one hand, she is very good at what she does; on the other hand, they are bound to ask why she wants to move thousands of miles away. And somehow the two obvious answers -- "My current bosses are vampiric psychopaths" and "I want to live nearer my boyfriend and farther from my husband" -- well, neither one sounds quite right for an interview situation. So for that reason alone, she may not be an obvious choice for the job.
Nor do I know whether it will really be a good idea for her to live so nearby. I can see advantages, but I also wonder. On the other hand, at present I am content to leave it in the hands of whatever Providence organized the coincidence in the first place; if she actually gets the job, despite her geographical implausibility, I'll take that as a sign that it is the right way to go. Or at any rate, I'm not sure what else to do. We'll see.
P.S.: This does not mean she would be teaching Son 2. He'll be in the next grade next year.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
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