A couple evenings ago, I was browsing the Internet and ran across the most improbable article. It's almost seven years old by now -- maybe the thesis is old hat, and I've just been far enough out of touch that I never heard of it before now. But I just had to pass along the link.
The article is called, "Happily married couples gone wild!" and it amounts to a book review of "Letters to Penthouse XIX." What the reviewer argues is that the main theme of the letters is, "Look what we did to spice up our marital sex lives, thereby solidifying and reaffirming our long-term commitment to each other." Huh? Penthouse? But yes, that's what the reviewer says, and she has the quotes to prove it.
She even goes on to worry that Penthouse may end up being left behind by the modern currents of pornography, as a quaint and antique artifact of a more stable and innocent time. I don't know; I would never have thought up the idea on my own. But it's interesting to read ....
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
22 hours ago
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