Monday, April 15, 2013

A haiku from Debbie

NOTE: It's February 2023 as I'm posting this—ten years late. But I'm back-dating it to where it belongs.

A few days ago, Debbie and I visited the local natural history museum. Afterwards we sat outside under the trees, pretty well away from everyone else. We talked lightly, we gazed into each other's eyes, and we kissed. We kissed pretty intensely, in fact. In the end, I was rubbing the tip of her tongue with the tip of my own so vigorously that she said she felt a mild orgasm from it … which is certainly more than I ever expected! Pretty cool.

Also, of course, you remember that I've written her a couple of sonnets, here and here.

In all the years that I wrote poems for D, she never wrote me any back, though once or twice she sent me poems from someone else that had impressed her. But this morning I got an email from Debbie as follows:

Good morning, Hosea,

I educated myself a bit about sonnet form and now I am even more impressed, if that's possible, with the poems you have written...

Here is what was in my mind as I woke up this morning, thinking of you, as always:

My senses heightened
among the oaks, by the creek...
I kiss you deeply.

Hope you enjoy this simple little thing.

loving you,


Enjoy it? I am thrilled to get a poem back from her. Just thrilled. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Moving forward

Just a brief note.

Last night I told Wife that I have been drawing up a budget for moving out, though I won’t leave for another couple weeks.  (The boys have a vacation from school coming up.)  I was expecting drama, but she was remarkably calm about it. 
  • She reminded me that she will need some kind of interim support (of course). 
  • She asked could I stay within easy driving distance, for trading the kids back and forth.  (Actually her idea was that during “my” days with them, they come stay with her during the day while I am at work, on the grounds that I wouldn’t miss them and she could supervise. I didn’t say anything at the time, but I’m not very comfortable with the idea.) 
  • And she mentioned that Boyfriend 7 has a friend who manages apartment houses, so would I like her to keep an eye out for a place for me?  (I said I didn’t know right then.)
I was grateful for the lack of drama.  I keep expecting it to change, but possibly it won’t until farther down the road.