The School of Life has a wonderful essay today about leaving school, and about how so many of us still think and act like we are students in school even when we think we are being solid adults. You can find it here.
After reading it, I spent a couple hours browsing through my old posts, looking for places where I said something similar, because it seems to me that their point is one I have also made more than once. Maybe I should have a label for "school" the way I have one for "teleportation."
I don't really have anything new to say about it at this point, but you can find some of my older posts:
- Here, in my "fourth theory" -- especially the long, indented paragraph.
- Or here, where I tell the same story but in a more abbreviated form.
- Here's yet another angle on the same basic idea.
- I look at school (and also monasticism) in a broader perspective here.
- That's similar to what I say a lot more briefly here.
- In this post I talk about how my father faced the same pressures that the School of Life discusses.