This afternoon, Son 2 and I watched "Lawrence of Arabia," which he didn't remember having ever seen before and which is certainly one of the greatest movies ever made. I can't watch the movie at all without being deeply moved, by scene after scene. But my ears perked up this time at one particular strand of dialogue, as General Allenby is trying to convince Lawrence to go back to the desert campaign, the second time Lawrence tries to quit.

Allenby: I believe your name will be a household word when you have to go to the War Museum to find who Allenby was. You're the most extraordinary man I ever met.
Lawrence: Leave me alone...Leave me alone.
Allenby: Well, that's a feeble thing to say.
Lawrence: I know. I'm not ordinary.
Allenby: That's not what I'm saying.
Lawrence: All right. I'm extraordinary. What of it?
Allenby: Not many people have a destiny, Lawrence. It's a terrible thing for a man to flunk it if he has.
Lawrence: Are you speaking from experience?
Allenby: No.
Lawrence: You're guessing then. Suppose you're wrong.
Allenby: Why suppose that? We both know I'm right.

Dear God, but I'm arrogant. I have to wonder why I don't get higher marks for "pride" whenever I take the "Seven Deadly Sins Quiz." I probably cheat on the test .... I do wish I had even a fraction of Lawrence's courage. Which I don't.
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