Friday, January 11, 2013

One step forward, one step back

Or maybe not so fast.

Debbie and I exchanged a couple of e-mails after lunch -- warm, friendly, discursive.  I began to expand on some of the things we had talked about, in kind of the way that I used to write to D only without all the romantic floweriness because after all we're just friends.

Debbie put up with two of these from me (sending one similar reply herself between them) and then a couple of mornings ago said simply:

OK.  I've put [a date a month from now] on my calendar.  We can touch base that week to confirm or reschedule, if needed, and decide on a restaurant.  In the meantime, it feels to me like we have talked our discussion topics through to their natural pause points, as least for now.  I appreciate all your comments and insights.  As you point out, it's not always easy to see from the inside what is easily apparent to others, and so it seems that we have been teachers and mirrors for each other, as well as enjoyable company.

Be well,
Too much, too fast?  Looks like.  Slow down, Hosea.  And back off, just a bit.


I wonder if I should be concerned by her remark that some things we ourselves don't see are nonetheless easily apparent to others ...?  Probably I'm being pretty transparent.


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