Monday, July 6, 2015

Son 2 is helping with Father

This note is just a placeholder, I guess, to keep the summer’s developments in chronological order. Son 2 hasn’t been able to land a summer job, either in my town or in Wife’s, and Brother has to get back to his own job. So Brother asked, Could Son 2 come stay with my parents for a while this summer? He promised that my dad can now take himself to the toilet (which would have been a sticking point, I think); my my mom still needs help around the house and my dad needs help doing a lot of other things. So last Thursday, Son 2 climbed on the train to travel to my parents’ town.
Also, Brother says that Father is on the mend, so maybe they won’t need somebody permanently. By the time Son 2 is no longer available, they’ll re-evaluate.

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