I wish I had time tonight to catch up on all the posting I haven't done. The last two or three weeks have actually been kind of busy: I've been ... trying out a new-and-improved dynamic with Wife, ... calming D down from a major emotional fit when she realized that Wife and I still fuck occasionally (I honestly didn't know that she didn't know this), ... screwing up at work in an altogether slipshod kind of way, ... keeping a straight face as the soap opera with Boyfriend 5 has gotten ever wilder, ... and so on. As I say, busy.
But all that is going to have to wait till I have a little time. Not tonight.
However, I should mention that Wife saw her rheumatologist today. This is the fellow who has been monitoring her lupus for nearly a decade, the one who told her about five years ago that he doubted she would ever see remission. Well, over the last few months he has been ramping down her chemotherapy to smaller and smaller doses. As she has lost weight, he has reasoned that she didn't need as much. And he has been watching how her test results look after he decreases a dosage.
Today he pulled her off of it completely.
Now, strictly speaking this is an experiment. She might flare. He might look at her lab results in another three months and decide to put her back on it. We don't know yet.
But he told her that he thinks maybe she has reached a point where she can be symptom-free without medication. And that is the technical definition of "remission." It would be pretty cool if she reached that point, after so many years of assuming she would die first. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
I really hope you get some good news on this. Look forward to the other updates whenever you have time.
Definitely looking for the best on this one, that's great to hear.
"The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: and a good report maketh the bones fat." - Prov 15:30
Um, yeah.
Always enjoy hearing about B5, it's so crazy, so looking forward to the news there.
The fucking question is interesting. I personally know a couple who continued to fuck while they were getting their divorce, and I've read of others. And I think most members of the "infidelity blog" community continue to have sex with their spouses.
But I only had sex with my wife maybe twice after meeting Tigs, and I would have avoided it if I could. For me, a transference of sexual loyalty had taken place, and my inner monogamist was speaking loudly. Tigs and I only discussed this once. I brought it up in a very poor context (right after we'd fucked) and it was very emotional for her.
So D's reaction may not be that unusual.
Really hope this improvement in her health continues, for both your sakes.
How lovely for you and your wife! (It is, right?)
Like Hoodie, I'm waiting for the always-entertaining details on BF5.
I'm glad to hear about the remission as well.
I have thoughts on the lover worrying about whether you still have sex with your spouse thing. I need to think about what to say there, as it's complicated and caused me some major issues in my own life...
Oh, and I do want to hear more about BF5 too. I think Mags was ahead of me, but maybe I've burrowed my way into her head somehow ;)
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