Most of this week Wife has been picking up Son 2 after school, because Leia is out of town and they are looking after her cats. But today, what with one thing and another, he walked to my office instead. Wife had an errand to run earlier in the day and didn't want to make two trips out. Then by coincidence I had to leave work early to take care of something back at the house, so Son 2 and I showed up home somewhere between 45 and 105 minutes earlier than we normally would. And just as we pulled up, Wife's car was peeling out of the driveway and barrelling down the street.
OK, that was dramatic. She called out something to Son 2 on her way out but I couldn't hear. He said she said she'd be back in 45 minutes.
Fine, whatever. I took care of the stuff I had to take care of; then since Wife hadn't gotten home yet (and she's handling dinner tonight) I decided to go to the gym for a little exercise. (I have been trying to get a bit more exercise ever since D pointed out that I have gained a lot of weight.) I was there an hour and something and then came home. Wife asked did I want to eat now or later and I told her to decide while I put my feet up in the back room.
Then she came back, closed the door, and said "I'll tell you exactly what happened in my day, if you want to know. Just so you know I'm not lying to you. I figure you are probably mad at me for asking you to bring Son 2 home so that I didn't have to make another trip out, and then I went ahead and made another trip out anyway."
"Ummm, ... actually that never occurred to me. But OK, go on." And she did.
Wife had an appointment with Counselor today just before lunch -- you remember Counselor -- and as she was leaving his office she got a text message from Pop asking if she'd like to come over to his place. She doesn't like to drive "all that way" most of the time, but it's on the way back from Counselor's office so she figured sure, why not? She repeated several times that she has decided she doesn't want to see him in her life any more, but she wants to be nice to him until she gets her money back. (Turns out it's a little under $200.) That's supposed to happen tomorrow, so ... yeah, sure, she'd love to come by.
Wife got to Pop's place and he was on the phone, drinking some icky sweet highly-alcoholic fruit punch (it is now a little after noon), and chain smoking. Wife says he smokes whenever he drinks, although his profile on OKCupid says he is a non-smoker. Wife herself is a fanatical non-smoker. (Allergic. Hates the stuff. Always has.) Anyway, Pop was on the phone, so Wife just sat there. Then he said he had a little business to do on his home computer, so she sat there some more watching TV. Then he said he was hungry, and ate lunch. I have no idea whether he offered any to Wife; but if he did, she never mentioned it. Finally he asked to come over to our place. Wife hinted that she would be happy to drive him somewhere because he had told her he "had to sell something" to raise the money he owes her ... so, gosh, a store of some kind? No, he answered, he had just sold some stocks. He did it on Tuesday but wouldn't have the money till Friday. Meanwhile, how about going over to our house?
So fine, she drove him to our house. (She's still trying to be nice to him, remember.) They sat and watched a movie for a bit. Pop suggested that they take a shower together but Wife declined. Then he suggested going to bed. She agreed that this was the time of afternoon she normally had a nap, so sure ... provided she could really have a nap. She slept for about an hour while he lay down next to her. Then when she woke up, he wanted to fuck. She wasn't feeling at all romantic (the money was still eating at her) but wanted to be nice. So what she told him was, "You remember I've said I won't have sex with you until you get tested to show no STDs, and you haven't done that yet. So I'm afraid I just can't." OK, he asked, then how about a blow-job? Same deal. A hand job? Sure, fine, ... she gave him a hand job. Then as he mopped himself up she remarked it was probably about time to get him back home, so she could be safely back to our house as if she had never left it by the time Son 2 and I got home. She had just gotten his pants up and had eased him out into the car ... when I drove up with Son 2 riding shotgun! Aaughh! Panic! And off she drove ....
So in retrospect I bet she is really glad she turned down the sex. Fucking would have taken longer, and we might have come tromping in the front door ... and then that would have been terribly awkward.
Anyway, Wife repeated several times that this story was completely true whether I believed it or not, leaving me a bit puzzled over why she was pounding on that topic so hard. I hadn't challenged her on it. And sure, hell, it sounds plausible. She added, "So no, I'm not cheating on you," which must be the most pointless reassurance possible under the circumstances. Doesn't she remember my saying that I no longer care whom she fucks, so long as the boys don't find out? (She did add that Son 2 has met Pop and doesn't like him.)
Then she went out to the kitchen to make dinner, where she regaled Son 2 with other stories of rude and unpleasant things Pop has done. And so why exactly did she get involved with him? Pretty fast too, it seems -- I don't know how long she has been dating on OKCupid, but it can't be more than a few months or so. And already she is negotiating sex, texting him wistfully (last month) that they will be together forever, lending him money, and wanting him out of her life. Quick work. Of course, I've speculated before about why Wife picks guys like this (see, e.g., here and here) but I might be wrong.
Quite a story, though.
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
22 hours ago
Okay, so all you asked of her regarding her ongoing extramarital activity is not to let the boys find out that she's fucking someone else. Yet, not only has she introduced son #2 to this man, but also feels comfortable enough with son's knowing him that she can recount stories about him?
Yup, that's right.
I started an answer here and it grew long enough that I made it a post of its own. Typical Hosea: never use one word where two words will do .... :-)
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