Friday, August 2, 2019

A talking vulva

Browsing the news on my phone, I found this article. It amused me, so I sent it to Marie.

Fragment of 'The Rose Thorn,' a Poem About a Talking Vulva, Dated to the 1300s

I thought it was mildly amusing, and left it at that. But Marie responded not long after, as follows:

Dearest, if you're going to distract me from my evening, by all means do it well.
A medieval poem about a talking vulva???
And now, of course, you've got me engrossed in conversation with my cunt about which of US two you appreciate more. 
And, of course, the converse: which most appreciates and misses YOU (and your penis and your fingers and that long, talented, tongue of yours, which both laps my clit and spins out involved and filthy fantasies...).
Maybe I'll adjourn to bed, if not immediately to sleep!
Thanks for your contribution to my evening, love!
Always your Marie.

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