Thursday, August 5, 2021

TEDx talk about fathers and the law

I wish I had seen this TEDx talk back in the day: back when I was so afraid that the courts would be prejudiced against me because I was a father, and that Wife would automatically get custody in case of divorce because Motherhood. (But see also here.)

Of course, what she says is that the courts really are prejudiced against fathers, and that fathers really do lose their children when they shouldn't. But it would have been nice to know there was someone in my corner anyway. She also says that things are very slowly getting better, which is good to know. Of course, the talk dates from 2020: that's seven years after Wife and I finally separated, and eleven years after I first engaged an attorney and planned to serve Wife with divorce papers. On the other hand, even back then my attorney told me that in our state courts usually assigned custody to be 50/50.

Probably it is just as well that, for all her tough talk, Wife was so inert and passive, so dependent on me, that she basically let me write the whole separation agreement. At least it meant that I dodged any number of bullets which would have come at me in case of a serious fight. I guess it's good to know that things are slowly getting better for other fathers.


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