Sunday, February 27, 2022

Props to Boromir

I was idly browsing through some old notes of mine, and found one from last year that reads, in full, as follows:

June 20, 2021: Son 2 thinks Boromir might be his favorite character in The Lord of the Rings, because he has everything he needs to be a hero but fails. And this makes him relatable. We can understand his thoughts, where we can't really understand the thoughts of Aragorn. And he carries all these terrible expectations from Denethor!

Good to know.

As I scanned the Internet looking for an image to decorate this note, I found a post from last December by someone else* who says pretty much the exact same thing. But Son 2 said it first, so there. 


* The author's name is Logan Dalton, and the post is on a site called Graphic Policy. I'd never heard of either one before today.


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