Thursday, July 14, 2022

I'm a Doppelgänger

This afternoon I went to the store to pick up a few groceries. I had gotten as far as the produce aisle, where I was trying to understand why mushrooms cost twice what they did a month ago, when a woman I've never seen before walked up to me.

At first she wasn't very articulate, and I tried to ask (mostly through mumbles and gestures) if I were the person she wanted to talk to. This question provoked a sharp "Yes!" but then it was another minute or so before she could collect her words to explain:

"My father died thirty years ago, but he looked exactly like you. His eyes were the same, his hair was the same, ... everything. When I saw you in the store just now, I had to do a triple take to make sure. And, ... umm, ... thank you."

My reply was a little lame. I tried to joke that I'm more than thirty years old, so I'm not her father in disguise. I added that we always hear the claim that everyone has an exact double somewhere in the world, but most of us never meet our double or anyone who knows him. So ... gosh, ... it was great to meet her. She mumbled one more embarrassed "Thank you" and disappeared back into her shopping.

So there you have it. Apparently my exact double was walking around up to thirty years ago. I should have asked her if he lived in the same town, too. That would have been even more remarkable.


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