Monday, June 3, 2024

This ad really happened to us!

I saw this advertisement—for gun control, apparently—yesterday or the day before. Probably it was on Twitter, though I'm no longer sure. But it really happened at our house, when Son 1 and Son 2 were little.

Fortunately the dildo in question wasn't as … shapely … as the ones in the commercial. It was purely cylindrical, with no distinguishing features. Yes, it had batteries, but the boys assumed that it was "an automatic sword!" (I think they meant "electric," but no matter.) Anyway, they found it under Wife's side of the bed, and started jumping on our bed playing with it. Wife was out of the house somewhere; I think I was in the study paying bills. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that after a minute or so I shooed them out to play somewhere else on the grounds that jumping on the bed was against the rules. They dropped the "electric sword" and I put it back.

I forget whether I ever told Wife what happened.


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