Saturday, March 8, 2025


I spent this morning hanging around the house while Schmidt did something else. (I forget what.) Ma Schmidt spent much of the morning in bed: still hanging in there, but not doing much besides watching television. She got herself to the toilet, however.

When I have nothing to do, I get sleepy.

I can drink coffee for a while, but it doesn’t change how tired I feel.

Or I eat.

I might read for a while, but then the desire for sleep becomes overpowering.

Usually I don’t drink during the day, which is the only reason I don’t list drink in this list.

Twitter could keep me occupied, because it gives me novelty (by refreshing the feed) without any meaningful effort on my part. But the only Internet connection here is in the barn, where the Schmidt studio and office are. While I’m idling in the house, keeping an eye (or at least an ear) on Ma Schmidt, the Internet isn’t really available.

It turns out I can rescue myself from brain-stasis by doing a little bit of writing, though it took me a while today before I tried that and found it would help. Then Schmidt came by the house, so I left for the shop and checked my email.

There are probably lessons here for when I get back home. Or at any rate there probably would be, if I could be troubled to learn them.


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