Excuses, excuses ....
Here it is Tuesday and I haven't posted since last Wednesday. So much for daily.
It has been tough to write daily -- or at all -- while the boys are with me. In the evenings I don't stay late at work writing: I go home. Nor do I write at home in the evenings or on weekends: I'm doing things with them. That leaves lunchtime at work, if it is slow enough that I can afford it. But not every day. So I may fall off of my "one-post-a-day" intention when the boys are staying with me ... which means approximately alternate weeks during the summer. Maybe I can list a couple highlights of the last week.
I finished up my work successfully in Weather City, took Hil to the airport, and got a big, firm hug as I dropped her off. It was an improvement on last year, when we shook hands. And we'll be working together on another project this summer, in August.
I got the problems with my storage unit cleared up. Then over the weekend, the boys and I made huge strides in emptying the unit that still has Wife's stuff in it. We made three round-trips between the storage unit and her place -- six hours of driving, not counting the time packing the car or unpacking into her garage. I expect it to be empty and us to be out of it by the end of this week.
It's clear to me that the boys haven't inherited any of Wife's quasi-Egyptian worship of the dead and dessicated past. Once upon a time I worried that they might decide she represented "normal" and therefore adopt her crazy attitudes. But listening to them as we plowed through all the junk ... well, it was the same kind of thing they said a couple of weekends ago, but there was more of it. They clearly aren't on her page. Thanks be to God. I'm sure they have criticisms of me too, which is fine -- so long as their sane, I can deal with them seeing my faults. Heaven knows I have plenty ....
Driving home Sunday I found myself really wanting a drink after all that work but I was able to analyze the feeling, to tease it apart and see what it was made of. Turns out I was tired. What I really wanted was a nap. I couldn't get it right away because I still had to do laundry. But then I let Son 1 make dinner while I dozed. Not sure if I truly fell asleep, or if I just went offline for a while and let myself unfocus. But that was what I actually wanted, ... not the drink.
In almost the same way, I've found that not wanting another girlfriend right now doesn't stop me from fantasizing about one (see, e.g., my remarks about Hil and Elly). But lately my fantasies have been more about company and closeness than about sex. The sex itself just hasn't felt that interesting. Of course probably that's because I'm not getting any so my body is ramping down on desire. Still, it was interesting to notice.
What else has been on my mind? I have a couple of posts I want to write for the Patio, but I haven't had any more time for that than for this. But the boys go back to Wife's place on Thursday night. Maybe I can pick it up for a while before I retrieve them on the Third.
Seems to me there was something else I wanted to post, but I forget what it was. Later, I guess. Lunch is over and I've got work to do .... (sigh)
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
21 hours ago
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