Where do I start with this? I want to tell a story about visiting with the family for Thanksgiving, and also to introduce a name for a character I've mentioned before. She's dead, but "only in the technical sense." And as I give her a name, I also want to give her a cinematic face. So many things to do.
My cousin and her mother-in-law
Let's start with today and work backwards. A month ago, Mother and Brother and SIL and I all drove to where my aunts and uncles (and all their children) have settled. It's in another state, but reachable in a day's driving. I mention this year's trip here, and I've talked about making the same trip before, around other Thanksgivings (for example here or here or here).
Anyway, while I was there I stayed with one aunt and my uncle. Some of that time was spent cooking for The Big Day. Some of it was spent in silence, or just reading placidly. And occasionally we visited with other members of the family.
Once day, her oldest daughter came over. (This is my cousin C.) The nominal reason for her visit was to discuss some aspect of the food preparation for Thanksgiving. But then she started talking to my aunt about how things were going at home. C's husband is from Latin America, and last year his mother emigrated from the Old Country to the USA to live with them. C's mother-in-law is wheelchair-bound and doesn't speak much English. Also, she complains chronically. Whenever she makes any comment on anything, it's a negative comment. C is having a lot of trouble dealing with this ongoing criticism. My aunt talked to her for a while. I was sitting in the same room reading, so I heard what was going on. But nobody invited me into the conversation, so I stayed out of it.
But I remembered what she said. And a few days later, when the whole family was out to dinner one evening, I motioned C over so I could talk to her for a few minutes. What I told her was something like this: