Marie just left to fly back home. She was here for three nights visiting. I had no available vacation just now, so I was at work during the day and nights were really all we had. It was enough.
Marie had a lot of worries before making the trip, though they were overcome by her desire to see me. Probably her biggest worry was that she would be incapable of orgasm: for decades she has described herself as frigid, ... as permanently anorgasmic. But then I had also explained that my own body is slowing down. She worried that she wouldn't lubricate, and that we would have to buy a commercial lube. She had tried using a Japanese eggplant as a sex toy and found it was painful because it was too large -- it had been twenty years since the last time she'd had sex, and so her cunt wasn't well-stretched.
She needn't have worried.
Yes, it's true that it was difficult for me to slide inside her ... more so because I didn't get very hard. Also her thighs didn't spread apart very wide or very easily (probably from lack of practice) and she has gotten quite fat in the decades since I saw her last -- another reason the mechanics were awkward. Of course, Wife used to be quite fat, so I didn't hold it against Marie. But the mechanics of actually fucking were awkward.
On the other hand, she lubricated beautifully. Copiously. Easily.
And the "frigidity"? Well, Marie was prepared for the prospect that she wouldn't come. She was ready simply to enjoy whatever she enjoyed and leave it at that. So we kissed; and we caressed. She spent some time kissing and fondling my penis, appreciating the texture and the weight. I licked her ears, kissed her neck, suckled her breasts, pinched her nipples, and then worked my way slowly down her front. I kissed and licked -- slowly at first. I inserted a couple of fingers and curled them up to massage her G-spot. Then I kissed and licked a little more intensely ... and a little more ... and more. I rubbed her inside and out ever faster and with ever more urgency. She breathed heavily, mumbled and moaned appreciatively, rocked her hips a little ...
And then laughed.
And laughed.
And laughed.
The laughter came tumbling out, unstoppably, in waves. It sounded like she was trying to talk over the laughing, but soon I realized it was nothing coherent ... just jumbles of random consonants sprinkled here and there among the laughter. The laughter which flowed out of her, on ... and on ... and on ...
And on!
Finally she had to stop. She waved at me, a little vaguely, please to stop and to come up to kiss her, to hold her. So I did.
We held each other for a while and then maybe we did something else before finally drifting off to sleep.
The next evening, when I got home from work, we were talking for a while. I brought up the previous night a little gingerly, in case she was self-conscious about it, so that I could tell her, "I don't know what it felt like from your side; but from my end, ... if you can't come you sure do a hell of a good imitation." Marie laughed -- a more conversational laugh this time -- and replied, "So maybe I should take the word can't out of my vocabulary? I've been thinking today perhaps I should replace it with the word multi-orgasmic." And she laughed again.
That night was much the same, except she tumbled into her orgasmic laughter a lot sooner. I guess practice makes perfect.
She has stopped talking about frigidity. She has stopped talking about being sexually damaged or inadequate. She smiles and laughs a lot more these days. She's a lot happier.
It was a good visit. I'm glad.
NOTE: I found myself wondering ... why laughter? At first I thought perhaps she felt some kind of anxiety about what was going on, sort of like the one and only time I've been afflicted with uncontrollable laughter in bed, which I described ... oh wait, I guess I haven't. (Just checked.) It was one of the times I was fucking D during the extraordinary "Second date" -- I think probably this time here. And it was because all of a sudden I realized, "My God this is really happening." Somehow our First Date hadn't registered with me the same way, possibly because it was all so new. But with our Second Date I suddenly realized, "I'm in bed naked with a woman who is not my wife. Wife doesn't know about it and hasn't given permission. I am sneaking around behind her back to do this. So this is an honest-to-God affair, and it is really happening, and it has become a real thing. And we are about to start fucking in just a minute ...." And I started to laugh. I laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes before I could go on. All because the whole thing had become too big for me, all at once. But when I asked Marie she said it felt to her more like relief ... after all the stories she had told herself for so many decades about her sexual incapacity, after all the misery she had inflicted on herself with these beliefs, to be past all that was the greatest relief ever.
Also I googled "laughing during orgasm" and found that it's not all that uncommon. Anyway, it's all good.
[Posted on Friday, February 19, 2016.]
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
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