I went to sign into my blog this evening and couldn't. My password didn't work.
I started to go through the "reset password" steps, and so I had to log into my e-mail. As I was doing that, I paused to realize that the last couple of days I have gotten an odd message from Hotmail in the middle of reading my mail, asking me to refresh my screen because I was logged in on two different computers at the same time. I knew this was impossible and therefore just refreshed my screen and forgot about it. But now I remembered.
A few minutes after that, I remembered that a couple of days ago I saw a remark on Wife's blog, to the effect that se had just recently learned ... "never mind how" ... that I have been in constant touch with D for months. Here I had assumed that she had gotten one of the boys to peek over my shoulder while I was writing an e-mail to D, and then had surmised that if I was writing once I must be writing a lot.
But it is also possible that she hacked me.
I really don't think she has the computer skills to do a sophisticated job of it. Far more likely is that she found some scrap of paper from back in 2007 when I first started the blog ... a scrap of paper that I thought I had destroyed, with my userid and password. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Maybe that's not the right explanation, but better safe than sorry. Her remarks in her blog did not sound like she understood that D and I are lovers ... but at the moment I am not sure of anything. As I say, better safe than sorry.
I have changed passwords (obviously!) on both the e-mail and the blog. And the blog is now private. Maybe later I can go public again, ... but not right away, I think.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
Stay safe. Hope you get it figured out.
She could have also used the reset password feature on your account where they ask you to answer security questions. If she knows you well enough (and you'd assume so after all these years of marriage), that would be no big obstacle.
Lordy. This is a little concerning, Hosea, given that Wife had a gun.
Hey. D's husband is pretty IT-savvy, too.
Keep us posted.
Oh what a web we weave…
One of the things I hated with my affair was the constant anxiety of having to lie and deceive. It wears on the soul.
I think it is harder on the guy in an affair. Women tend to have a sixth sense detecting if their husband is cheating. Men are naturally (and foolishly) more trusting of their wives.
Yikes! Let's hope not.
I didn't know Wife had a blog as well. How do you feel about her blogging?
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