OK, this is a bit of fluff but it caught my eye. When I log out of Hotmail -- yes, that's the account you see on the sidebar of this blog -- I get dumped on the msn.com home page. This morning that page advertised an article by some popular sex therapist named Ian Kerner called "Why you should snoop on your spouse online." I don't know if Kerner is well-known, or if I should have heard of him before. (It will come as no surprise that in some ways I really need to get out more.) But it piqued my interest to see this published ... all the more so because I know several people in the infidelity blogosphere who have been through exactly this experience in the past year ... or who at any rate have been on the receiving end of some assiduous spousal snooping. And here we have a cultural avatar urging other spouses to do the same.
Of course, maybe I should be glad to see this -- after all, I was snooping on Wife long before I was doing anything snoop-worthy myself. I was never proud of it (and Kerner actually says that snoopers cannot claim the moral high ground); all I can say in my own defense is that whenever I got suspicious, there was always something behind it. He gives seven questions you should ask before you start checking e-mail accounts, and -- again, by the time I got suspicious that anything was up -- I could always answer every single one of them Yes. For what that's worth. Probably not much.
Anyway, the voice of the popular culture now appears to be in favor of snooping on your spouse online. Be warned.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
Do you have stat counter or do you only know we visited when we comment?
You could check if there has been readers from your area.
Only very, very recently did I activate Google Analytics. I still don't really know how to use them.
Do you know if Analytics will track my own visits to my site, along with other people's? Because I do see some hits coming from the general area where I live. If those are me, then that's fine. But if views by me are filtered out (and since the blog is now private they could be identified), then that's more interesting.
Most counters allow you to block your own ip address (but you have to do this yourself as it isn't automatic) and view the exact time and location (ip address) the visitors are coming from. I am not familiar with google analytics so I wouldn't know for sure though.
Go to ip-adress.com (only 1 d) to know your ip address so you can determine if the person from your general area is you or someone else...unless you have static ip and then it would be less of a help.
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