Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Calling the paramedics, 2

Fortunately, life is a series of anticlimaxes.

After Wife had been in the Emengency Room under observation for three hours -- during which time she was alternately unconscious or incoherent -- she roused herself and was able to explain that her collapse was merely the result of a sleeping pill she had taken. She takes them every night, which is why the symptoms looked so familiar to me. I can't think why that explanation didn't occur to me last night.

So my parents took her back to their house where she slept the rest of the night. And I guess all's well that ends well, although when I contemplate how big the bill will be for that utterly pointless hospital visit, I thank heaven for medical insurance. (sigh)

She may stay over another night and come back Thursday.

1 comment:

Kyra said...

As you contemplate (move toward?) separating, I can think of an upside to having an official record of this at a hospital.