Saturday, March 13, 2010

Painting and pineapple, 3

Ms. Inconspicuous asked to see a copy of the painting in question, so here it is ... by popular demand ....


Kyra said...

I think the journey of self-discovery is never-ending. I myself said almost two years ago that our primary problems were sex (ie lack thereof) and pot. But that barely scratches the surface. I've come to learn a lack of respect is more important over all, and in general causes most of those rocks in my own shoes.

I have no reason to think the next years of self-discovery will be any less enlightening. To me, continually learning and growing make it worthwhile.

Kyra said...

This was not the post this comment was intended for! But it shall remain here due to the obvious technical difficulties!

Beautiful painting. Much better than pineapples.