Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Call me"

I had a phone call with D tonight that ran something like this. The way I tell it here involves a bit of creative interpretation on my side -- amplifying reality here and there to make a more imteresting poem. So you shouldn't jump to any conclusions about what is "really" going on. I figure in this case reality is an inspiration and no more. Still, I don't think it's too bad for something I tossed off in a hurry ....



"Tomorrow call my phone just after six.

I'm on the road – alone an hour or two.

They say that phones and driving shouldn't mix,

But I am famished for a chance to talk with you."


And so I called, a bit past six o'clock.

I heard a rustle, voices, then a hush.

"My darling, are you free now? Can you talk?"

"I'm not," she said, and hung up in a rush.


I know she'll send me e-mail with the dawn,

Assuring me how true I'll find her heart.

She'll tell me, "Truly this is what went on."

If only Truth for her weren't such an art!


And yet I'll love her every bit as well,

No matter where she was, or what she'll tell.

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