Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Moving forward

Just a brief note.

Last night I told Wife that I have been drawing up a budget for moving out, though I won’t leave for another couple weeks.  (The boys have a vacation from school coming up.)  I was expecting drama, but she was remarkably calm about it. 
  • She reminded me that she will need some kind of interim support (of course). 
  • She asked could I stay within easy driving distance, for trading the kids back and forth.  (Actually her idea was that during “my” days with them, they come stay with her during the day while I am at work, on the grounds that I wouldn’t miss them and she could supervise. I didn’t say anything at the time, but I’m not very comfortable with the idea.) 
  • And she mentioned that Boyfriend 7 has a friend who manages apartment houses, so would I like her to keep an eye out for a place for me?  (I said I didn’t know right then.)
I was grateful for the lack of drama.  I keep expecting it to change, but possibly it won’t until farther down the road.

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