Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I'm baking a pie for dinner.  The recipe was for a double-crusted pizza (making the dough from scratch) but I couldn't be bothered with all that so I got two frozen pie shells from the store and put the filling between those.  At that it took a long time to get the filling prepared, and it's been a hot day.  So here I sit in my apartment with the windows open and the door open, sweat dripping off my forehead and chest, waiting for the pie to be done and hoping I didn't get the filling too liquid. 
I spent most of the day at work adding to the online community I offered to build there.  Right now I have added only two community members – myself and one woman who works for me.  We were talking about content today (I think I've got her signed up for at least three wiki entries to start) and she said, "It looks pretty lonely and depressing that we are the only two members of the community."  But I explained, "No, not at all. I haven't publicized it yet, and when it's ready there are some people I am going to add without even asking their consent. But I want to have some content here before doing so."  Still, I'm guessing we'll go live some time this week.
You know, in the end even Ella Price doesn't keep writing in her journal every single day.  Just regularly.
Or, as one character says in "The Big Chill", "Did you know that rationalizations are more important than sex? It's true! Have you ever tried to get through a week without a rationalization?"
Just checked the pie.  I was going to let it bake another fifteen minutes, but that crust looks about as brown as it ought to get, so I've pulled it out and am letting it cool.  I guess in a few minutes I'll know if it was too soon.

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