I mentioned that back in January I came down with a chronic cough. (It was certainly not COVID-19! None of the symptoms matched.) Some time later, maybe around the end of March, I had a routine doctor's appointment. We conducted it all by telephone (because of quarantine) and during that time I told him about the cough. He recommended to do a couple of things I wasn't doing, and to call him back in 7-10 days to let him know how it worked ... in particular, if it wasn't working.
Well in 7-10 days I noticed no difference at all, but I didn't get around to calling. Another week or two went by and I still kept putting it off. "I'll call him Friday, when I'm not so busy." "Oops, it's too late now but I'll call him Monday, for sure."
Then in the middle of this week that just passed, I was on a phone call with someone from work who suddenly said, "Gee, your cough sounds a lot better!"
Of course as soon as he said that, I coughed. But then I started paying attention and realized that it really had gotten incrementally better, so slowly that I really hadn't paid any attention.
It hasn't gone completely away. I still cough a little bit and on specific occasions ... for example, if I'm lying down to go to sleep, or if somebody asks me how my cough is doing. But on the whole it seems to be drying up and going away. And that's good.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
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