It's very cozy here inside my shell,
While outside the Coronavirus rages.
If you get sick, I hear it hurts like Hell.
It's quiet here -- I like it, truth to tell.
I'll make some tea, a snack, and turn the pages
Of some delightful book here in my shell.
I've taken care to stock my larder well.
It's lucky that I still can draw my wages,
Though unshowered and uncombed I look like Hell.
For those with other jobs this shutdown fell
Like a ton of bricks, as no-one them engages.
That leaves their pocketbooks an empty shell.
And elsewhere crowds of angry people yell,
"Police do murder!" "They lock kids in cages!"
Then tear gas answers. And it burns like Hell.
I wonder if this year will sound the knell
For our Republic, with its hopes courageous.
It's very cozy here inside my shell,
But outside all the world is going to Hell.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
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