Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Home ownership, 2

 Do I miss being a homeowner?

Yesterday morning I went to the office. My kitchen sink was clear. When I came home in the evening there were a couple inches of grey, filthy water. I tried using a plunger on them, but nothing.

I live in an apartment, so even if I didn't throw anything bad down the sink (and I'm certain I didn't) the pipes are still going to be affected by what other people throw down their sinks. I have no control over that. That sure looks like a downside of renting an apartment.

So what did I do? I logged onto the landlord's "Tenant Portal" and reported the problem. I washed my remaining dishes in the bathroom sink and went out for dinner. This morning about 9:30, while I was in the middle of a conference call for work, I get a personal call: "Is this Hosea Tanatu? This is XYZ Plumbing, and your landlord is sending me over. I should be there inside of an hour."

I don't have to worry what it costs, or even know. I don't have to scan through a list of competitors to pick the right one, or make any of the arrangements. For someone like me with social anxiety around picking up the phone to make cold calls, this is as good as it gets. 

Score one for not owning my own home.


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