Saturday, September 18, 2021

"Die, damn you!"

Last week I was on a video call with Marie. She was talking about the latest news from the COVID-19 pandemic. In among other bits of information, she mentioned that the sharpest recent increases in the death rate were (apparently) all in counties that had voted for Donald Trump in the last couple of elections.

And she grinned a great big, wide, satisfied grin. Which -- for just a moment -- scared the shit out of me.

I pointed out to her that she was grinning. Her only remark was that she guessed she had better not mention this factoid to any of those family members who disagree with her politically, or at any rate not if she's on a video call with them. She wasn't horrified or alarmed. In fact she took the news quite calmly.

Why did she grin? One possibility is that she was glad at the thought of her opponents dropping dead. But there's actually another that I think more likely, based on the other things she was saying. The way she told the story -- I have taken no steps to confirm any of this -- the counties with the highest death rates were mostly those that had rejected the imposition of strict mask and vaccination mandates. And of course there's a high correlation between the counties that rejected strict mandates and the counties that voted for Mr. Trump. So I actually think Marie's glee was the glee of an intense, young grade-school student who just got the right answer when all the bigger kids got it wrong. I think her grin was supposed to say, "My friends and I did what the teacher told us to do, and we're all alive. But you didn't listen and insisted on doing your own thing, and now you're all dying. Now do you see that we were right all along?"

Hermione Granger morphs into Madame Defarge.

There is something terrifying about the Need To Be Right.


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