Tuesday, January 18, 2022


I got a call from Son 2 this morning. He was out on a job site and accidentally stepped into a patch of quicksand. Me, all I know about quicksand is that it's used as a plot device in movies, like "Lawrence of Arabia" or "Blazing Saddles." But apparently it's an actual hazard out where he's working.

The good part is that he had a stout wooden staff with him. As he left for the site this morning, he figured that surveying it would require a lot of hiking and the staff would come in handy. Well ... it came in handy helping him out of the quicksand! Then he called me for about a minute, to let me know it had happened, and went back to work.

This has nothing to do with any of the other threads in this blog, but I just couldn't fail to mention it.


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