Thursday, May 5, 2022

Debbie's in town

[To be clear, I am writing this post at the end of June 2022, and back-dating it.]

This will be brief, and there's nothing profound in it. I'm adding it—well after the fact—for the sake of narrative completeness and nothing more.

Debbie has been in town for the last five days or so. She had to fly out to this state because of business related to settling her mother's estate. While she was out here, she drove up to this town because she still has so many friends here. As for me personally, she and I have gotten together only three times in the last five days and she's staying with somebody else; so clearly it's not all about me. [Read that remark however you like.] We've gone to two different art exhibits (I describe one of them here), and today we went hiking.

I'm writing this almost two months after the fact, so I don't remember a lot else to say. But just so you know that it happened.


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