Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Hosea ... the movie??

I was scrolling through the Internet looking for something else, as usual, and I found out that two years ago someone made a movie about, ... well, ... Hosea. Me, you could say, but not me. A different take on the story.

I haven't seen the movie itself yet: I've only known about it for maybe an hour. Apparently it's available on Netflix, if I want to sign up for an account. The movie is called "Hosea" but it is set in the modern day and none of the characters is actually literally named Hosea. But yes, it's about a man who is in love with, and wants to marry, a troubled young woman in the sex trade. That's not exactly my story with Wife, as you know. But finding out this much made me want to know more.

There are very few reviews available for this movie. Apparently it was made on a really small budget, and the mainstream movie trade ignored it completely. The few reviews that I could find said they did a very good job of it. Now, there's always a risk that a movie with a Biblical theme will be reviewed only by True Believers with no taste. But when I read the first two reviews I was able to find, they made me think that the director (Ryan Daniel Dobson) had actually made the movie with a little subtlety. At any rate one review said (without giving it away) that "the ending defies the conventional narrative expectations"; while the other review complained that "The movie falters only in its final moments...; I just could not connect the dots in this scene." So there must have been something there that was a little hard to understand, and that in turn means it can't have been just literal-minded plodding.

I think I want to watch it. Maybe I'll finally sign up for Netflix.

Here are a few links:

And here's the trailer:


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