Two days after this phone call, I was putting dinner on the table and telling Wife and the boys it was time to come eat. Wife had been lying down on the bed in the back bedroom. The next thing I heard (I was in the kitchen) was a loud crash and the boys shouting for me to come over. Wife was lying sprawled in the doorway of their room, still clutching her diet soda (much of which had spilled all over the floor). There was what looked like a big welt on her head.
One of the boys took her soda, and I helped her stand up. Her upper lip was stuck in a grimace that looked vaguely like a chipmunk, and she seemed dazed. After holding her standing for a few minutes I asked her to stop grimacing (she did) and then helped her back to bed. We brought her dinner on a tray to eat there.
Her interpretation was just that she had stood up too quickly. She says that her neurologist says that if she stands up too fast she is at risk for blacking out, but otherwise she is perfectly fine. For my part, I wonder: if it were that easy, surely she would make sure it never happened ... right? There was a while that she was blacking out not altogether infrequently (though I wouldn't exactly want to call it common or often). Back then I was worried about her renewing her driver's license.
The welt on her head, where she knocked into ... I don't know ... the bookshelf, maybe, or the doorframe, was a real doozy. It swelled to a huge size, and I asked her several times if she wanted to go to the hospital. But I didn't want to force the issue, and she steadfastly refused to go. I realize in retrospect that I was glad the boys both saw her fall (saw her, in fact, a lot better than I did), so that there is no question where the welt came from.
I checked on her through the next morning, but she didn't seem to need to go to the hospital after all.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
What is her neurological condition exactly?
She sees a neurologist for relief from migraines.
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