Saturday, April 19, 2014

Other times Wife lost it

In digging out the last few stories I posted recently (here and here and here) I found some others as well.  I'll post a few of them here just to get them out and online; some of the others might take a bit more time to put in readable form.  And in some cases I start to wonder if these are stories I have already told: after six years and some of posts, it's easy to lose track.

Hosea's log. Stardate January 13, 2005.  Wife had an attack that I described in an e-mail to Boyfriend 4 as follows:

…. Wife had an attack where she started snarling like an animal, making not-very-veiled threats to damage herself and/or the children, and insisting that nobody loved her or would care if anything happened to her; when I tried to hold her to tell her this wasn't true she began to struggle violently with me. I held her still on the bed by holding her wrists and pinning her legs, because I was at this point genuinely concerned about the consequences (to herself or others) if I let her go. Her response was to shriek as if possessed.

Actually that's not a bad image, because her voice got deeper and huskier and the look in her eyes was not anything she normally has. Her reason also left her; I told her more than once that if she stopped fighting with me I wouldn't pin her down, but her response to that was to fight harder ... the way an animal might. (The sounds coming out of her mouth were feral and inarticulate as well.) I don't know if she was actually bruised, but her skin is so sensitive that she bruises if she bumps into a table. So I bet she was….

She finally settled down, after shrieking incoherently for many minutes. (…I think it helped that the boys came in the room to see what was going on.) When she stopped fighting and snarling, she settled down into sobbing, at which point I concluded that there was no further danger and let her go. I think this has been building for a while. I believe it is the depression coming to a peak. ….

I tried calling you but got your answering machine. Anyway, here is the story of the evening. I have left out all the story building up to it, because I still need to feed the boys and get them to bed; but there was a long trail of anger and frustration leading to this moment….

Oh, she did ask me to call Boyfriend 3. … I gave him basically the same description. He said that one of his ex-wives used to experience the same thing on rare occasions; also that he would pray for her and put her on his church's prayer line, but then after a few minutes Wife was willing to talk to him. That seems to have helped her collect herself, too.

Hosea's log.  Stardate spring 2002.

During the spring of 2002, Wife had an extended bad spell. One Sunday in March, I took the boys down to visit my parents; I worked on taxes with my mother, while the boys played. Later that evening we had dinner and a small birthday party for my father. Wife stayed home because she wasn’t feeling well; also, at that point, she and my father got on badly and I thought they would each be happier without the other. But the next day, while Son 1 was at baseball practice, she became very angry with me. She began to accuse me of trying to take the children away from her permanently, and nothing I could say would shake this belief from her – even though there was no rational connection between anything I had done and that conclusion.

In early May of that year, she called me at the office one afternoon and insisted I come home immediately. She had just gotten off the phone with the hospital trying to arrange something about her upcoming gastric bypass surgery, and something had gone wrong. As a result she threw a tantrum, barricading herself in the bedroom and throwing clocks and other things into the bathroom and out the window. Her niece was staying with us at that time, and so she shepherded the kids into another room and tried to look after Wife. When I got home, I tried to calm Wife down; when that didn’t work, I held her wrists and held her down onto the bed to restrain her forcibly from doing more damage. She snarled and fought and shouted, but finally the fit passed and I let her up. Later I called the hospital and worked out whatever the problem was. I also cleaned up the mess.

Hosea's log.  Stardate spring 1996.
She went into a similar downward spiral while pregnant with Son 1, our oldest. She had been taken off her medication (then Prozac) because of her pregnancy, and one evening I came home from work to find the kitchen a complete disaster. She had thrown food and dishes across it, smashing glass jars and spilling molasses, soy sauce, and many other foods all across the floor. She was sitting on the floor surrounded by broken glass and all this other stuff, playing with the broken glass by tracing it along her arms. When I asked her what had happened, her voice sounded almost serene (but crazy); she said that she was fine and that she was just playing with broken glass. I got her out of there and cleaned up; I cleaned up the kitchen; I called her OB/GYN to say that if she couldn’t get her Prozac she was going to have to have an abortion so that she could have her medicines again; and finally I got a hold of a psychiatrist who had seen her years before (when she was hospitalized for psychiatric reasons). I made an appointment, and at that appointment he told her that after the first trimester Prozac is completely safe for pregnant mothers. She went back on her medicines and things got better.

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