It's been two weeks since I posted last.
OK, I guess that isn't really news. It's amazing how much you can figure out with no tool besides a calendar. What is less clear to me is why I haven't posted.
I don't have time. Right, except it's not like I had any more time, really, back when I was posting every other day. I don't have any news. Patently untrue, although I suppose there haven't been any actual crises lately ... and that is a good thing. I can't think of something to say. Plenty of people who know me would happily swear that if I can't think of anything to say, then it must be the first time in something like forty years. I'd like to pretend this is a base calumny on their part, but I'd be outvoted in a heartbeat. I use up whatever writing time I have sending e-mails to D instead of sending posts to blogspot. OK, this may actually be plausible. (And I can try to mitigate the situation by copying posts out of my Sent Mail folder.)
What is more, I have just been feeling tired and depressed and lazy and unmotivated. Last week I told D I had been thinking of shutting down or going on permanent hiatus, just because ... well, I couldn't really articulate why. Just because. Ever a sweetheart, D suggested that I sleep on this before doing something drastic, and of course I haven’t done it. But that’s not to say the temptation hasn’t dangled itself in front of my mind, even if it makes no sense.
In the meantime, let me try in the next couple of days to bring you up to date on the news. I don't promise any great literary efforts here. It won't be writing, just typing. But let me see what I can do.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
I've observed the "blog hiatus" to be quite common. In my own personal experience, it strikes after some emotional trauma. Then I shut down for a while.
Not after all such trauma of course. Sometimes all I want to do is write about it.
But there's also the question of time, time, time. Life goes on and the blogosphere is certainly optional.
I hope you don't go on hiatus because I think you have both a great perspective and a lot of wisdom.
But mainly it's because no one else out there is saying things like I'd like to pretend this is a base calumny on their part, and we'd all be poorer if you weren't.
Apollo -- Yup, time is it. I have to admit there was a while I feared you had gone on permanent hiatus, but no ... turns out you were just juggling too many plates in the air. I made a list today of the posts I have backlogged in my mind, though, and it is getting extensive. I hope I can get some of them written soon.
hoodie -- Gosh, thanks. I'm glad for the vote of confidence.
Actually, it's funny ... I figured you were just being rhetorical when you said "no one else out there" so just for grins I dropped that phrase you quoted into Google. And if I encase it in quotation marks to force an exact match, I get ... er, ummm ... exactly one hit. I guess that shows me. :-)
The blog is for you. We're just happily along for the ride. Write what and when you want. If you don't feel like writing don't.
It is just that simple.
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