Gosh, a milestone. What am I supposed to say?
I had no idea what to expect when I started blogging. Part of me figured this would be like so many other projects that I would start and then abandon. And it was very nearly so -- after a mere eight posts in December 2007 and January 2008, I let the thing sit untouched for four months. I even remember in that time thinking, "Oooh, there's an interesting idea. I should write that up for my blog." But I didn't, and now of course I have no idea what I was thinking about. If not for Boyfriend 5, I might never have come back to it.
But come back I did; and while my posting has ebbed and flowed since then, I have never since let a month go by without at least one post. Not that they give out prizes for this sort of thing, but it's something that I felt I wanted to check. I even went and made a chart of number of posts per month .... (Why yes, that is indeed a colossally geeky thing to do!)
Also in that time I saw a whole community of infidelity bloggers coalesce, flourish, and then dissipate. I've heard the statistic that a typical sex blog lasts about a year and a half, so I guess that community did pretty well against those odds. And we sheltered a few truly gifted writers ... none of whom are writing any more (so far as I know), and the Internet is poorer for it.
Thank you all for the feedback you've given me. It is always a thrill to see that anybody has replied to anything I have written, even when the reply is a much-needed slap upside the head because I'm being a self-centered moron. Valuable too, in those cases. So, again, thanks.
I have no idea what to expect in the future. I figure I'll keep plugging away at least until my divorce is resolved. After that, will I have anything to write about? The original purpose of the blog -- to help me understand my marriage -- will have evaporated. Maybe at that point I'll find something else to write about, or maybe I'll pack it in. But I think you are stuck with me for at least a little while yet ... if I can keep up with remembering to update at least once a month ....
Thanks, and again thanks.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
Five hundred posts is a notable milestone, especially since yours (all those I have seen) are thoughtful, well-written, and not short. Well done sir.
Lots of dissipation dude, for sure. Hang in there brother H.
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