No sooner did Son 1 get back to my place after driving Wife around all weekend — swearing loudly he wasn't going back for at least a month — than she called him again. Someone in her church owns a car dealership, and was getting a car in that might suit him well. If he bought it he could give her back her second car that he is borrowing.
He went up, looked at it, and ended up buying it. Or rather, she bought it for him out of her savings, listing the two of them as co-owners, and he's going to buy her out over time plus 3%. He is insured through her and he's going to pay her the extra increment that he will cost her. They haven't settled on payment terms yet, but it sounds like car payment + insurance + student loan payment will be close to $1000 a month. And he hasn't actually started working yet.
On the other hand he's got a car, while I still don't. Am I ashamed of that? Yes, kind of. To be sure, he wouldn't have it without Wife's intervention. And she used to play that role for me too ... the spur that got me off my ass to get something done.
On the other hand that's kind of an excuse. I'm supposed to be the adult here, right.
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#4 living towards a new horizon
12 hours ago
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