Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Two kinds of goals

This will be very short.

In the past I talked a lot about goals, and the trouble I had setting them. But then a couple years ago I realized that I really had had a set of goals all along … only they weren't the ones I thought I'd had. I talk about that here.

Last night I had one small, additional thought. There are (at least) two different kinds of goals. You can have a goal to do something. Or you can have a goal to be something.

For the most part, the goals I identified in that post I linked above were goals to be something: a friend, a lover, a husband, a father. It's true I've also pursued at least one long-term goal to do something: namely, to separate from Wife. But I wasn't very good at it, and it took a long time.

That's it. That's the post—just recognizing that difference and naming it. I have no grand insights. I just wanted to record it in writing.


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