The day wasn't nearly as bad as this will make it sound (though I have had days that were). But I found that by the end of the day I was getting crabby and discontent and generally unpleasant to be around. I decided to beguile my irritability by trying to capture it in words, and this is what I got:
The damsel that I swore to love for all
Eternity, I cannot stand. The brats,
My gentle, manly sons just spit and squall,
And tenderness show only to the cats.
Perhaps I’ll go to work. I think I’ll pay
Our bills instead. I ought to cut the grass.
I need a snack – it’s just my third today! –
Or else a drink, until this fever pass.
It’s nothing true. Dark vapors cloud my sight,
And give each angel bright a demon face.
Though it be day, I stumble in dark night.
Where’er I light, I can’t abide this place
So hold me in your arms and let me grieve;
And stroke my hair until the darkness leave.
Eternity, I cannot stand. The brats,
My gentle, manly sons just spit and squall,
And tenderness show only to the cats.
Perhaps I’ll go to work. I think I’ll pay
Our bills instead. I ought to cut the grass.
I need a snack – it’s just my third today! –
Or else a drink, until this fever pass.
It’s nothing true. Dark vapors cloud my sight,
And give each angel bright a demon face.
Though it be day, I stumble in dark night.
Where’er I light, I can’t abide this place
So hold me in your arms and let me grieve;
And stroke my hair until the darkness leave.