We spent Thanksgiving Day with my parents, and it was very pleasant. Lots of food -- lots of food! -- plus time to spend with my brother and his girlfrend, and just hanging out. For her part, D had a very restful and pleasant day as well, albeit with a neighbor and not her husband. Still, after last year's drama, that was certainly a good thing.
Wife started out the day still a little absent-minded. As we were getting ready to drive to my parents' house, Son 1 went into the back bathroom to take a shower. Wife and I were both in the adjacent bedroom getting ready, and Wife called my attention to Son 1 having stepped into that bathroom. All the same, a few minutes later as Son 1 was drying off, she headed blithely on into the bathroom to get some medications. I stopped her and suggested he would probably like privacy while he was drying off. (Son 1 is 13, and already his voice is changing and his underarms are furry.) She told me she didn't know he was in there. I reminded her that she had been the one to tell me he was in there, only scant minutes ago. She said she didn't remember.
We got down to my parents' house somewhere around noon, and dinner was still in preparation; but when it was finally ready, there was lots. Nobody went to bed hungry that night! My brother and his girlfriend were there, and they are always a lot of fun. Son 1 and Son 2 both piled onto my brother to wrestle with him, because he has always been a good sport about being an energetic uncle; his girlfiend and my mother traded off talking with Wife; and I seemed to spend lots of time discussing history with my Dad.
Late that night, as we were talking about other things, my father did ask me if Wife and I were divorcing, and I said yes. He nodded and didn't say a lot more about it.
I realize that most of the day was better to live through than to tell about, because pleasant and low-key times make for a boring narrative. But there has been enough excitement in my life lately that I am happy for low-key when I can get it. Something to be thankful for, I suppose ....
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
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