I won't be able to give a date-by-date account of my time with Debbie the way I did with D, because we live in the same town only a couple miles apart. There is just too much opportunity to get together for me to write a new post every time we do. I'll never keep up if I have to post something every day. But maybe I can jot down a few notes to bring the story up to the present.
The next Thursday I went over after work. We kissed, we held, we carressed ... and we fucked right properly. Everything in working order, and orgasms all round. It was very satisfactory. Debbie again said afterwards that she hadn't been sure her body was still capable of responding. But then she told me a story which should have reassured her that there was no problem. You remember back a month ago (Dear God, was it only a month ago?) when we shared our first kiss? Apparently in the minute or so that it took us to kiss she went from zero to fully aroused ... fast enough that it startled (and delighted) her. A little later, when I remarked that she hadn't been at all vocal during sex, she added to this story: ... that she drove immediately from the restaurant's parking lot to her home to masturbate, and that it was ... ummm ... very vocal. (So maybe she is still feeling a little shy in front of me.)
The next weekend was a replay of the weekend before in the sense that the sex was again inconclusive, although we are getting ever better acquainted with each other's bodies. Then two nights ago Wife told me she wasn't coming home that night, so I took advantage of her not being available as a witness to spend the whole night at Debbie's. (And, like the previous Thursday, the sex was very satisfactory, both that night and the next morning.) I'm not quite sure what to make of how inconsistent my erections have been. But I think I want to wait a little longer before resigning myself to Old-Guy-dom and asking for Viagra. Maybe it will sort itself out, like it did with D. (Of course I was only in my forties then.)
The fucking has been delightful, of course, but there has been more to it as well. Of course we have talked. Debbie in particular has told me a lot of stories about things she's done and people she's known, and I have been fairly straightforward about asking: not in an inquisitorial sense, but just to understand (when she mentions something in passing) "What was that about?" and "Who was he (or she)?" and "How did that feel?"
But I have also started meditating. This isn't anything Debbie pushed on me; I asked her. I explained that I had always been kind of interested to know what meditation was about, but had never gotten it together enough to find out. And so she offered me some things to read on how to start a meditation practice (including the book I mentioned here and a reference to this website here). Plus we have been attending a group meditation in town on Tuesday evenings. I can't claim any remarkable results in only a few weeks, but I like taking a few minutes each morning when I'm not thinking about the day ahead, ... just to rest and not be accountable for anything really. That part is nice.
I have been trying to pick up some Russian terms of endearment to use with Debbie. She's not Russian herself, but she studied the language for years and worked there for quite a while before coming back to the States and moving into a whole new line of work. (This was back before I met her the first time.) So it matters to her. And so I've been trying to remember and pronounce moya milaya, moya nyezhnaya, ....
And Wife has finally concluded that I'm seeing somebody. What amuses me no end is that she produces a long list of "proofs" triumphantly to show that I must be dating, ... and every single one of the "proofs" is wrong. Every single one of them is something where she has her facts wrong, or where she doesn't understand what she is saying, or ... or ... or .... If it were worth it to me, I could take the whole list apart piece by piece. But I don't bother, because of course her conclusion is absolutely right. I am seeing someone! I don't especially feel like discussing it with her (though I remain unconvinced that there is any reason behind my reticence other than that it is none of her damned business) so I pretty much just tune her out when she starts in on it.
I'll add in highlights when there's something to write. But this is how things look today.
#4 living towards a new horizon
11 hours ago
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