Saturday, April 29, 2023

Day 13: Sightseeing and one last pub

Another day that probably doesn't require too much detail. Once again, we breakfasted at Café Wander. Then we walked over to visit the Tenement House, an apartment that has been preserved pretty well exactly from the early 1910's. So it provides an excellent snapshot of middle class life in Glasgow a hundred years ago. While we were there, one of the guides asked gently if she detected "North American accents" from us. As we talked with her, we learned that she had been born in Kentucky and grew up in Ohio; but as a young woman she had fallen in love with a Scot and followed him back to Scotland. That was 50 years ago, and so, … well, … here she was. We told her a little bit about ourselves and our trip. It was pleasant.

From there, we walked over to the West Side of Glasgow, to see the Hunterian Gallery and the Mackintosh House. After a late tea, we packed up our hotel room and ordered a taxi to get us to the airport in the early morning. 

We had been scouting places for our last dinner, and found one that advertised gluten-free fish-and-chips. But when we stopped in to ask if we could make a reservation, the proprietor was dubious. He said there was more likely to be a table if we came around 6:00, and almost certainly there would be none by 7:00. Also, as we had been advised before, he suggested we start in the bar and then wait for something to open up.

We did exactly that. We arrived by 6:00, and got our drinks. When we asked about a table, we were told there would probably be one in a while, but we had to be finished eating in an hour, or at the worst an hour and a half. We agreed right away, and in another fifteen minutes or so we were seated. Debbie ordered her fish-and-chips. I ordered a beef pie that I assumed wouldn't take long. We got our drinks refilled. And we were out in time. A delicious meal, and early to bed.  


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