Friday, April 14, 2023

Writing about the West Highland Way

NOTE: I'm writing this a month later than I am posting it, on Sunday, May 14. 

For a while I've been trying to think how to write about my trip to Scotland with Debbie, to hike the West Highland Way. I kept a lot of notes about the trip: about what happened, but also about the thoughts and feelings I had. And sometimes a given theme cropped up several times during the trip. 

I think what I want to do is as follows. First I'll write a series of posts about the narrative: what actually happened. As I type this it is mid-May already, but I will post each of these as of the date that it took place. Then I'll write some more posts about common themes that showed up more than once: big ones, like the nature of my relationship with Debbie; and smaller ones, like Debbie's growing flexibility around alcohol. And when it is relevant, I can refer back from a thematic post to this or that narrative post … to give you some idea of when these ideas cropped up, or in relation to what events.

It will probably take me a few days to write all this. Please bear with me.


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