I have been tagged by Gotta Change It over at Chicken Scratch for a meme. Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on his/her website
Six unimportant things about me? Let's see if I can narrow it down to only six ....
1. My grandfather worked on the Manhattan Project. (No, you've never heard of him. Trust me.)
2. My family moved once a year from the time I was born until I was 7. We're talking big moves, too: across the country, to another country, that kind of thing. The first neighborhood that I remember well enough to be nostalgic about it is a good three thousand miles from where I live today.
3. When I was 9, I had a supporting role in a made-for-TV movie. We're only talking about a one-hour after-school special -- something with a totally impossible plot -- but I got out of school for a couple of weeks while it was being filmed, and it was a lot of fun. (No, you haven't seen it. That was a long time ago, and it has since plunged into a well-deserved obscurity.) A couple of years later, I made a TV ad for Mazda, as they were introducing the "rotary engine." (Again, you haven't seen it. Heck, I never saw it.)
4. When I was applying to colleges, I was accepted by Harvard but turned them down in favor of a tiny institution that nobody else at my high school had ever heard of.
5. The first girl that ever got naked for me was my next-door neighbor when we were both 4. The next one was a girlfriend my senior year of college. (I was pretty shy.) The third one was Wife (although it happened a year before we actually got married).
6. Speaking of shy .... I am always very quiet and mousy in a new or unusual situation. (This baffles people who know me well, who can never get me to shut up.) In particular, I always start new jobs as The Quiet Guy ... you know, the one who tries his best to disappear against the wallpaper? Despite this, it always happens -- at every job I have ever held -- that one day I am introduced to somebody who says, "Oh, so you're Hosea. I've heard so much about you." (A variant experience is that I walk down the hall and someone I have never seen before in my life waves and shouts "Hi there, Hosea!" on his way past.)
Now I have to tag six other people who haven't already done this meme:
L, over at Melted Candy
Coquette, over at Meeting Madison
Infidel, over at Infidel at the Gates
Apollo, over at Apollo's Fire
KJ, over at Space Between
Titus the Lazy Philosopher, over at Philosophy of Infidelity
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
22 hours ago
i'm just baffled, why would you turn down harvard? how could you! lol
i was suppose to go to harvard...until i fucked up after being consumed by extreme discouraged perfectionism resulting in procrastination as well as a bunch of other pathetic things.
o well :)
maybe next time
wow only 3 naked ladies? you were really shy! or maybe you couldn't escape the puritanical values from your childhood lingering your subconscious. lol
great 6 facts!
My reasons for turning down Harvard were probably kind of superficial -- I figured it would be easier to get lost in the shuffle in a school that size -- but I'm not sure it was a bad choice. The school where I ended up was every bit as intellectual (so I hear from people who know both); but it has the advantage of not laboring under that heavy Harvard name. Besides, you've probably heard the saying "You can always tell a Harvard man ... but you can't tell him much!" :-)
Yes, I was really shy. Can't blame it on puritanical values from my childhood, as I was a good bit more straitlaced than my parents were. (My parents were half a generation too old to be hippies, and kind of regretted being left out. But they were certainly not puritanical.) So no, it was just me. (sigh)
i think it was very cool of you to turn down harvard actually. harvard is overrated anyways. ;)
i was talking more about the culture you grew up in like your school, peers, neighborhood not truly "pure puritanism", no.
but maybe not that either, i'm just wondering. i'd like to think that even in our "liberal" world today there is still a large influence of puritanism and hedonism meshed together.
many young people (and older) have many random hookups WHEN DRUNK and almost have to be drunk to engage in such activities and then the next day they PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPENED. so in reality they are still guilt tripped because they cannot own their actions.
#2 and #6 are interesting in context. I expect that #2 probably contributed to #6, no?
Jane -- I really think my situation was the opposite of the one you describe. If I think back to when I was in college, for instance, I didn't think there was anything wrong with sex, ... I was just immobilized with shyness.
It was only later -- with marriage and (especially) children -- that I started looking at the longer-term consequences sex can have for your life, and became somewhat less freewheeling on the moral side of the question. (So in that case, ... how do I account for the story with D? I'm getting there, I'm getting there; stay tuned ....)
L -- Yes, I'm sure #2 contributed to #6. For that matter, it probably contributed to #5. Of course I don't know for sure. We haven't moved since the boys were born, and Son 1 is pretty relaxed around girls (e.g., in his classes). But Son 2? Less so ....
i love how different you are
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