In a telephone conversation last week, D mentioned that she rarely hears any sense of gratitude from me ... not to this or that person, but at a more basic level for the real blessings in my life. I wasn't quite sure what to tell her, although it is true that this is the kind of thing I don't often express where people can hear me. Sometimes I see the most remarkable coincidences drop into place, as it were providentially, and when I see them I say a little "thank you" in my heart. But I usually don't say it out loud, and sometimes it takes me a while to notice.
My upcoming business trip was originally scheduled for this very week: I was due to leave on Sunday, November 2. On Monday October 27 (six days before my flight), I found out there had been a mix-up and the fellow whom I was travelling to meet was planning to arrive on November 17 ... hadn't I known? (No, in fact, his office had never informed me.) So I scrambled to change a lot of plans, all of a sudden.
Three days later, on Thursday, October 30, D and I exchanged a couple of remarkable e-mails, ending with the one in which I mentioned this trip. Had it not been for the mix-up at the other guy's office, there would have been no time -- between Friday morning and Sunday afternoon -- to pull together plans for her to come see me.
I just realized five minutes ago how providential the schedule mix-up was. Of course you could argue that this makes Providence into an accomplice in adultery, but I'm not interested in going down that path right now.
And I can assure you I am grateful ...
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
22 hours ago
Oh...I can't wait to hear how this goes. Do you feel that you still have your wife's permission to stray? Or was there a statute of limitations on that?
Ummm, ... well I wasn't exactly planning to ask her permission. And I kind of think that even if I had her permission in general, she might draw the line at her best friend. But this raises a lot of questions I am still thinking through, and plan to write about them soon.
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