For several months now, I have been urging Wife to start a blog of her own. (I have not told her that I write one, because I would rather she not find it. Does this count as having a secret life, then?) She often complains about having time alone in the house with nothing to do, and when she puts her heart into writing she does it well and enjoys it. I also thought it could help her address some of her own inner demons, somewhere along the way.
After months of saying "No, it's probably too complicated, I don't know how, can you tell me how?" she finally opened and found out that it really is dead easy. So her first post was a couple of days ago. I made a point of insisting that she not give me (or anybody else) the URL, because then she could feel free to write whatever she felt like.
In the interests of full disclosure, however, I really should add that a couple of days later I happened to find the blog very easily. She has taken an assumed name, and she didn't tell me where to look; but Wife is not terribly savvy about covering her tracks. At any rate, let's say she could benefit from Bad Girl's tutorial on "How not to get busted" ....
All of which means nothing more than that occasionally I may get a better insight into how she sees things between us. Well, either that or else it will give me something solid to whine about when I am feeling peevish and petulant. You'll know it's the latter if I start off writing "Wife recently wrote that ... but in reality ...."
With luck I'll keep the petulance at bay. Since one of our chronic problems has been failing to understand each other, however, this could help with that. At any rate, I can always hope.
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
22 hours ago
This could be your crystal ball into her mind – if she is truly honest in her blog. I think the significance of this is immense!!
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