After several weeks of mysterious absence, Boyfriend 5 is back in Wife’s life.
For much of this summer, he has been unaccountably gone; either he was sick (so he said) or he was having computer troubles (so he said) or something. But today he contacted Wife and said all his troubles are cleared up and he is back for the forseeable future.
So they had a good long heart-to-heart talk about everything that was going wrong in his life and all the people he resents and other fun, uplifting topics like that. Wife was quite starry-eyed. In the midst of all this, Boyfriend 5 made a rather unusual offer: while he told Wife that he wasn’t planning to kill me, he did offer to conjure up a demon to attack me.
A demon? Excuse me? Well, apparently Wife didn’t bat an eye at this offer, and the two of them started chatting about the finer points of demonology. But personally, I have to say it sounds a little strange to me. I have no idea whether he is trying to pull her leg – in which case it seems to me that the leg must have come off in his hand, because she appears to have swallowed the story hook, line, and sinker – or whether he really believes it. And I suppose strictly speaking (somewhat skeptical though I be) that I can’t actually prove demonic attack is impossible. That is to say, I think it is most likely that he is making up a story to see how big a whopper he can get away with. But I have to concede the possibility that he might be telling the unadulterated truth.
Incidentally, you remember the electric bill that Wife paid for this swine? The credit card statement finally came. I remember distinctly that he made a big deal of the fact that the electric company was in a foreign country where they do things differently, so he couldn’t possibly pay the bill a day late and have the power turned back on. But of course the credit card statement lists the company to whom the money was paid, and you can find them out on the Internet. They serve northern Texas. I know some Texans think their state is a separate country, but this isn’t quite what he was trying to get us to believe. I have asked the credit company to get some more information before I show this to Wife, because I want it to be irrefutable by the time I do.
So anyway, life is getting more interesting on this front again. And so, just to cover my bases, I would like to ask a favor. Anybody out there who assumes that the threat of demonic attack is no more than laughable, self-aggrandizing bullshit, I hope you are right and please feel free to skip this paragraph. But for anybody else – can I please ask you to pray for me that I be safe from any such attacks, in case they should materialize? For my own part, I have added to that prayer two others: first, that any demonic attack rebound threefold on the sender; and second, that Wife’s mind be enlightened by the truth and pierce the disguises of this charlatan to see him for who he really is. I won’t burden you by asking for either of those too, but if you feel like tossing them into the mix you are more than welcome.
I feel a little silly posting this kind of a request, really I do. But ... you know ... just in case ....
Ogham Readings on Saturdays
22 hours ago
How horrible! I don't believe in demonic attacks, but I do think its a very nasty thing for someone to suggest, whether they themselves believe it or not. Does your wife tell you all this stuff? Can she not see how unpleasant she makes herself appear? As well as somewhat stupid.....
I do not pray, but I do wish you well and send positive thoughts.
No, she doesn't tell me this stuff directly. I ... pick it up here and there. And she is not at all stupid, but the version of reality that she accepts is not exactly conventional. Thanks for the positive thoughts.
I still think that the most likely story is that Boyfriend 5 is a charlatan who wants to see how big a whopper he can get away with.
I spent too many years as an Evangelical not to take it seriously. And even though I've pretty much rejected the faith now, and am therefore possibly the least qualified "prayer warrior" one could imagine, I'll give it what I've got.
I support your add-ons as well. Sorry this is two days after you posted.
Hey Hosea. I'm new here...wandered over from Kyra's blog.
This is abominable. Really abominable. I seriously question whether ANYONE has the ability to invoke this sort spirit, but what bothers me more is that this guy would suggest such a thing and your wife, seemingly, doesn't bat an eyelash. If he's really serious, I'd be questioning his sanity.
Don't be afraid. You'll be fine. I think you're probably right, the guy is just jerking her around.
Quite late to the party, I'll add that even if it was possible to conjure a demon, this fruitcake would not be the one to do it. But it's the thought that counts, so it goes without saying that he's quite a nasty person to have involved in your life, even tangentially. My heart's out to you, man. I thought your moniker was a little hyperbolic at first glance, but it seems you're living up to it, sad to say.
Apollo -- Thanks for the support. We've already discussed why I think you have nothing to be so apologetic for.
Sloan -- Well, if you've seen my post from earlier today, you've seen that by this point I have become pretty sure he thinks it is a joke too. Wish I knew for sure what Wife thinks ....
Infidel -- I guarantee my friends would all assure you I am no stranger to hyperbole. :-)
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